Sunday, March 13, 2022

Damaged by Jimmy Broccoli

Rating: ★★★★★

Genre: LGBTQ+ Poetry

Format: Paperback

Pages: 99

Read: 03/13/22

Amazon Synopsis:

So very rarely is a book of poetry so page-turning that it, upon release, immediately becomes essential reading. The emotional rollercoaster that is “Damaged”, written by Jimmy Broccoli, whips you around on unstable rails, transporting you to a Poetic Wonderland that challenges the traditional, while embracing the unexplored.

It’s multi-colored, neon graffiti on darkened walls in dimly lit rooms. It’s hesitant confessions gently leaving the lips of the accused. It’s the unexpected invitation to the dance.

“Damaged” is exposed and vulnerable verse that whispers in bold type.

This is narrative poetic storytelling like you haven’t read before.

Welcome to the confessional poetic landscape of Jimmy Broccoli. Bring a flashlight.


"It's hard to be a friend to someone who's depressed, but it is one of the kindest, noblest, and best things you will ever do." -Stephen Fry

At times writing a review is not a simple task. Especially when a book is so heartrendingly beautiful in all its glorious and raw nature.

Damaged is a book of narrative poetic storytelling that bleeds with emotion from the deepest depths of the heart and soul. It is an experience of ones human existence; the experiences of life, love and loss.

The journey in the darkness connects to the four elements of life; Earth, Air, Fire and Water. We walk it, we breathe it, we burn, and we drink it in as the pages are turned. It is a journey of the beautifully broken, rich with meaningful prose, and uplifting in the overcoming.

Dark, gritty, and powerful! Truly captivating it has nestled into my heart and soul!

I am Damaged.

"It doesn't get better," I said. "The pain. The wounds scab over and you don't always feel like a knife is slashing through you. But when you least expect it, the pain flashes to remind you you'll never be the same."-Katie McGarry, Pushing the Limits

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Thursday, March 10, 2022

The Cabin Sessions by Isobel Blackthorn

Rating: ★★★
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Format: Paperback
Pages: 328
Read: 03/10/22

Amazon Synopsis:

It's Christmas Eve when hapless musician Adam Banks stands on the bridge over the river that cleaves the isolated village of Burton. A storm is rolling into the narrow mountain pass. He thinks of turning back. Instead, he resolves to fulfill his obligation to perform the guest spot at The Cabin Sessions.

Fear stirs when he opens the door on The Cabin's incense-choked air. Local plumber Philip Stone is already there, brooding.

Meanwhile, Philip's sister Eva prepares to take a bath. Memories begin to surface concerning one fateful day by the river, and the innocence of her beloved brother.


"Every human is flawed. I know that. No matter how hard we strive for perfection, we'll never achieve it."

A gathering of old friends come together to celebrate their love of music. The cabin is a place they have performed many times throughout their lives. They are gathered once again to mourn the loss of their musical mentor. It is the Eve of Christmas, a blood moon is rising and a storm is brewing. But the outside storm is not the only menacing force that these small town residents of Burton are dealing with. Small town secrets from the past and present are slowly revealed. Mistrust, violence, and ugliness ensues as the tension rises within the walls of the cabin.

This was a very character driven story delving into the psyches of each individuals minds. The control of the kinsfolk doling out excommunication upon the residents because of sinful natures and the effects it had upon the small town residents. The secrecy of their unlawful deeds, deception, unhealthy relationships, inner turmoil and their interlocking lives are all revealed as the story unfolds.

The atmosphere the author builds is claustrophobic and continues to close in as each of these unlikable but intriguing characters face the destructiveness they have caused upon humanity and themselves.

The Cabin Sessions is a very slow paced, slow-burn mystery centering on the past and present lives of the inhabitants of Burton and the darkness that lies within.

Giving this one an appropriate star rating is a tough one for me. I liked the atmosphere, the prose was often times engaging, and even though the characters were unlikable I was still intrigued by them and the outcome of the story. The most difficult was the unrelenting slow pace until the last few chapters.
I admit it was not easy to stick with and I actually ended up getting it from audible so I could listen to it and read it at the same time. That truly was my saving grace in being able to stick to it until the end.

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Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Scissors by Simon McHardy and Sean Hawker

Rating: ★★★★★

Genre: Horror

Format: eBook

Godless Exclusive

Read: 03/09/22

Goodreads Synopsis: 

Daphne hates her penis. When the National Health Service denies her an operation to remove the offensive organ, she takes matters into her own hands. But as she’ll soon discover, some cocks won’t go down without a bloody fight.


Poor Daphne has been denied her gender reassignment, if she wants it she must pay for it herself. She is angry and frustrated. She hates her member and wants it gone. She takes matters into her own hands, removes the annoyance and buries that bugger in the back yard.

Expecting the unexpected, sure enough that bugger crawls out from his grave, begging Daphne to take him back. He is a horny phallus with an insatiable sexual appetite. He's hurt and angry by her betrayal and he brutally exacts his revenge.

Vile creature, go back to your hole!!

I felt for Daphne. Her anguish and emotional pain of wanting so badly to have her reassignment. To finally be comfortable with herself. To not wanting to live with the anomaly that haunts her humanity. Of course this is also Splatterpunk with tons of grotesquerie, grossness, and humor completely expected and disgustingly entertaining!

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Your Move by Nat Whiston and Ash Ericmore

Rating: ★★★★★

Genre: Horror

Format: eBook

Pages: 53

Read: 03/09/22

Amazon Synopsis: 

Two killers, one title, but who will take the crown?

When two serial killers start competing against each other, they leave a blood trail, unlike anything anyone has ever seen. But as the bodies begin to pile up, the acts of violence get more obscene. Which one will make their move to win the game?

Your Move is an extreme horror novelette, with scenes of sex and violence which are likely unsuitable for most. Consider this a trigger warning for just about everything.

'His breathing is getting harder, blood rushing through his veins. Oh, please say yes, Jackie Boy. Then I can have some real fun."


A battle between two serial killers. Torturing their victims to death in the most heinous, brutal, and painful of ways possible. Punishing those that are sinful blemishes in the world.

Rating each victim in their little log books. Trying to outdo each other and become the most notorious and recognized. As each one follows each others killings, they become more and more vicious, eventually coming together wanting to get rid of their competition.

This was a brutal, nasty, disturbing story with an awesome author pairing!

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Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Munging by Simon McHardy and Sean Hawker

Rating: ★★★★★

Genre: Horror

Format: eBook

Godless sxclusive

Read: 03/08/22

Goodreads Synopsis: 

A morgue worker has big dreams of one day leaving his dead-end job and living it up sipping rum on a faraway, sandy beach. Along with his boss, the two have been making a pretty good name for themselves posting necrophiliac videos on the dark web. While things have been going well and money has been flowing in, they still need something to really push them over the top and into legendary status and wealth.

It turns out that tonight, that very something was just wheeled in through the door.

Video camera . . . CHECK!
Ladder . . . CHECK!
Well-hung stud who’ll do anything for money . . . CHECK!
Filthy bloated female corpse . . . CHECK!

What could possibly go wrong? The resulting mayhem is bound to leave a bad taste in the mouth of everyone involved. Especially yours.


When Simon posted the cover and future release on SM, I almost keeled over in laughter because I knew what munging meant. All I could think was this is going to be absolutely vile! These two took it to a whole new level!!

Necrophilia is disgusting, Munging is worse!
Cum, shit, putrid black gurgling water, splooshing out of the nether regions as if from a super soaker!

The eel had me in all kinds of hell no!!

Complete rot infested depravity!

I know when I read anything by McHardy , I'm in for a vomit inducing , laugh fest!

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Cutter's Deep: Welcome to Hell by Ronald McGillvray

Genre: Dark Fantasy Horror Format: Paperback Pages: 364 Rating: ★★★★★ Synopsis: Down a lonely stretch of highway stands the deserted and des...