Sunday, August 27, 2023

Purgatory by A. Lopez Jr.

Rating: ★★★★★

Genre: Single Author/Horror Short Stories

Format: Paperback

Pages: 336


Purgatory is said to be a place where dying souls go to be punished for sins. For the superstitious, the number 13 symbolizes suffering and death. When the two are combined, it leaves us with this question: Is death the end or is it only the beginning?

In the spirit of the dark masters of horror, King, Laymon, Little, and Keene, comes a collection of short stories of the bizarre and the macabre.

One story begins in the name of research when a world-famous horror author spends the night in one of the most notorious haunted houses in America - 
Ritter House - only to discover that reality is much more horrific than fiction.

Road Trip, a man must travel across state lines to identify his brother’s dead body and drive him home in the back of his car to a mortuary run by a dead man.

Tic Toc, a man has two hours to prevent a catastrophe in the building where his wife works, only he can’t recall how or why. His only clue is the nightmare he had hours earlier.

Christmas will never be the same for a little boy in 
Santa Claws, and an old wooden box in a warehouse carries a story all its own in The Crate.

Each tale will hold each person accountable for their actions and ultimately lead them to a dark and unforgiving place much worse than the bounds of Purgatory.


"For those who believe, proof is not needed."

"Is death the beginning, the end, or does it take us to a place somewhere in between?"

These 13 Tales of the Macabre are all uniquely written and entertaining. The authors voice clearly shines through his writing craft. 

Take a drive on Evergreen Road and find out what may just be waiting there as the darkness descends. 

Go on a Road Trip that involves a dreadful mission to transport a deceased family member to a mortuary. Old, dark, and something sinister waiting within. 

Meet a curmudgeonly old man in Mind Games as he journeys through his daily life. People, everywhere there are people, getting on his last nerves. Until, there is something that is just a little bit different. Something very unexpected that changes everything.

Tic Toc, time is ticking by, life is hanging on the edge of disaster and the reaper is waiting in the shadows. Is it all just a nightmare or a reality?

Weekend Visit., we all have them. Trips to spend time with family or friends. We often look forward to them, keeping in mind that we never know what to expect. A good time is expected. Relaxation wanted. Just watch out for the odd family member and the strange occurrences that are happening in the backyard. 

Floor Four, the beginning introduction to "The Mangler". He will haunt your dreams!

Purgatory,  utterly claustrophobic! Deep within where there is no light, no air, and no chance of escaping. I cannot breathe!!

Try to take a ride in the 2009 Cadillac DTS Sedan, once owned by Mildred Clarice Stone, her Prized Possession, now bequethed to one David R. Slater. Once you enter you may be surprised at what occurs within, especially in the back seat. 

Do not, I repeat, do not open The Crate. Walk right on by and ignore it. Stop being so curious of what lies within. What lurks inside is not where you want to go. Resist the temptation, repent or there may be no escape.

When visiting a haunted house, one must always be prepared and tread carefully. Once the spirits have been disturbed there is no turning back from what has been unleashed. So enter if you dare into the dark corridors of Ritter House.

Kids will be kids and will not always make the best decisions, right or wrong. No matter what, all decisions have an outcome whether good or bad. And...sometimes what once was believed to be delightful may just be something entirely different. So my little lovelies, be good, or you may be visited by Santa Claws.

Everyone should always be wary of Strangers. One never knows what their intentions may be or if they are something more than what they appear to be. One must never tempt fate. Someone may be following you, and that someone may just be from another world.

Don't Bug Me. Stay away from me. You don't belong here. You're driving me mad and I can't get you out. No one believes me, why won't they listen? I have to get you out. "This is going to hurt." 

"Death is something no one gets used to, and unfortunately, death will find us all when it's time."

With all short story collections, there are always going to be some that resonate with the reader more than others. I have learned to often look deeper and find that one special something that lies within each story. By the title alone, it is clear of the themes that all of these stories are centered on. No doubt that death and what lies beyond is something that crosses our minds at some point. It is easier to let it go and not dwell on it. These 13 tales provided my horror loving heart an escape into the fearful dark places and realms of purgatory. 

I very much enjoyed reading this collection! Recommended, but it's up to you to decide.

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About the Author

Born and raised in Texas and now residing in Arizona. I am an avid reader and big Houston Sports Fan. I play chess everyday when I'm not squeezing in a little time for writing. I published my first work Purgatory - 13 Tales of the Macabre and Floor Four - A Novella of Horror, an Amazon Bestseller in Occult Horror. Also completed is Night Dreams, an episodic series in seven parts that can be read separately or in one complete novel. My column, ‘Ask AJ’, appeared in All Authors Magazine online and I have had short stories published on Dark River Press, The Sirens Call eZine Issue #14 and the anthologies, State of Horror Illinois published by Charon Coin Press and Concordant Vibrancy published by All Authors Publishing. You can connect with me on Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, and my website,
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Thursday, August 17, 2023

Empire's Daughter (Empire's Legacy Book 1) by Marian L. Thorpe

Rating: ★★★★

Genre: Historical Fantasy

Format: eBook

Pages: 347


Lena of Tirvan has a choice to make: in the face of invasion, does she help defend her country, or choose banishment with her lover? Women have never fought in Lena's world: they farm and fish, make cheese and wine, and raise children. All men and boys, from the age of seven, are part of the military. But when the Emperor asks women to defend their villages against the catboats of Leste, Lena must decide where her loyalties lie. A unique blend of historical and speculative fiction, Empire's Daughter can be read as a standalone, or as an introduction to the epic saga of Empire's Legacy.

A B.R.A.G. Medallion Honoree; Eric Hoffer Finalist, 2021; BBNYA 2021 Semi-Finalist; Silver Medal, Historical Fantasy Box Set (2019), Coffee Pot Book Club Awards; Readers' Favorite 5-Star Award, 2021 (as part of Empire's Legacy: The First Trilogy)


"Women of Tirvan," she began, "we are once again a village of women. Four months ago, our lives consisted of farming and fishing, and our thoughts and our skills were given to these pursuits. We are something more now: a military unit, trained to fight. And we have paid a price, both personal and collective.”

Separated by the Empire's rule of the Partition Agreement, the world that these men and women live in is one of steadfast devotion to their villages. The men live as a separate entity among the military for the empire starting at a very young age. The women live as one in their villages, farming and fishing, and providing for the military men as needed. It is an agreement that is well respected and most everyone lives in contentment. 

When the empire and the villages are threatened, they all must come together to fight for the safety of their lives. This will change their way of living and will also bring change to how the Emperor will continue to rule the lands. 

The world building and customs the author developed are maticulously explained in detail, setting a clear visual of the lands in which we are immersed into a unique lifestyle. The characters are well developed with strong personalities. I especially felt the women were strong protagonists as they lived in unity and took well care of each other. When asked to step into their new roles, accept for a select few, they accept it knowing they must protect their villages with a possible new hope for the future. Their voices are heard and not just set aside by the men even though they have lived separately for hundreds of years. 

There are also themes of love and heartbreak as some choose to separate and bind themselves to the old ways of living. 

The story ends strong as it opens up a continuation into the next book in the series. 

Quite complex but very effective in developing a journey into the lives of these men and women of the Empire.

“But we cannot shape the circumstances to fit our lives only our lives to fit the circumstances. What defines us, as men and women, is how we respond to those circumstances.”

"The swallows gather, summer passes, The grapes hang dark and sweet; Heavy are the vines, Heavy is my heart, Endless is the road beneath my feet. The sun is setting, the moon is rising, The night is long and sweet; I am gone at dawn. I am gone at day, Endless is the road beneath my feet. The cold is deeper, the winters longer, Summer is short but sweet; I will remember, I'll not forget you, Endless is the road beneath my feet."

*Alternative History

*Historical Fantasy

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“My books are historical fiction of an imagined world, one that is close to Britain, Northern Europe, and Rome, but isn’t any of them. A world where a society evolved differently after the Eastern Empire left, an Empire on the edge of history.

"After two careers as a research scientist and an educator, I decided it was time to do what I’d always really wanted, and be a writer. As well as my novels, I’ve published short stories and poetry. My life-long interest in Roman and post-Roman European history provided the inspiration for my books, while my other interests in landscape archaeology and birding provide background.”

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Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Before the Devil Knows You're Here by Autumn Krause

Rating: ★★★★☆

Genre: YA Dark Fantasy

Format: eBook ARC

Pages: 352


Part dark gothic fantasy, part journey into the bizarre, this delicious blending of tall tales and Latin American surrealism will haunt you as you devour it!

1836, Wisconsin. Catalina lives with her pa and brother in a ramshackle cabin on the edge of the wilderness. Harsh winters have brought the family to the brink of starvation, and Catalina has replaced her poet's soul with an unyielding determination to keep Pa and her brother alive.

When a sudden illness claims Pa, a strange man appears—a man covered in bark, leaves growing from his head, and sap dripping from his eyes. He scoops up her brother and disappears, leaving behind a bird with crimson wings. Catalina can’t let this man—if that’s what he is—have her brother. So, she grabs Pa’s knife and follows the bird.

Along the way, she finds help from a young lumberjack, who has his own reasons for hunting the Man of Sap. As their journey takes them deeper into the woods, they encounter strange beasts and tormented spirits. The more they uncover about the Man of Sap, the more they learn how deeply Catalina’s fate is entwined with his, planted long ago in cursed seeds.

An enchanting mixture of American tall tales and Faustian elements, 
Before the Devil Knows You’re Here centers a fierce Mexican American poet on a quest to save her brother. Autumn Krause’s vivid, haunting prose and rich symbolism make this a must-read for fans of Maggie Stiefvater and Erin Craig.

A deliciously dark folk horror for fans of Maggie Stiefvater and Erin Craig, blending the tall tales of Johnny Appleseed and Paul Bunyan with Faustian elements, and centering a fierce Mexican-American poet on a quest to rescue her brother.


"Sowing seeds of sin, he grows apples of ash."

1836 Wisconson, Deep in the Wilderness

Young Catalina and her little brother, Jose Luis, live with their Pa, deep in the forest in a dalapidated cabin. They live a humble and simple little life, but Pa warns them to always be aware. Considered to be a dangerous creature, the Man of Sap, that roams the forest realms, plants his apple seeds, growing trees across the lands. But there is something different about these apples and the trees they grow upon. The trees whisper to the souls of anyone nearby to come and eat upon its glorious fruit. 

This whole story weaves together a tale of family bonds, lost love, and the battle of good versus evil. Temptations abound when wants are desired more than ones needs. 

Told through two points of view, we are given the story of the Man of Sap, his tale is treachorous and heartbreaking. His character had me feeling so many emotions. The story through the eyes of Catalina brings to life the bonds of family, devotion, and new love. 

The atmospheric setting is detailed, providing a sense of the dark and foreboding that lingers within the forest realm, as the creature roams. Planting, watching, and waiting. 

The prose was captivating and has a beautiful quality that lingers long after reading. Sometimes needing to read passages again, to get lost in the world of words.

"Life was cruel, certainly. It was filled with bright, ravaging horrors that stun you like a sun flare and secret, quiet wounds that fold against your ribs. It took loved ones from your arms so you breathed hurt like air. But it was also full of mysteries. And there was room in mysteries. Room for things to be different. For them, despite the pain, to be all right."

"Te amo mΓ‘s que nada."

Haunting and mesmerizing, I would recommend this gothic, dark folklore to any fan of the genre. Be prepared to let it take you away to a new world. 

(Grab an apple for a snack, thank me later.)

  • ★ "Mesmerizingly told through the eyes of both Catalina and the monster, the book invites readers to travel with characters who are reckoning with greed, fear, and love as they consider what makes a monster—and whether monsters can be redeemed. Highly imaginative and powerfully affecting."—Kirkus Reviews, Starred Review 

  • *Young Adult Fiction / Fantasy / Dark Fantasy 
  • *Young Adult Fiction / Fairy Tales & Folklore
  • *Young Adult Fiction / Historical / United States / 19th Century

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Cutter's Deep: Welcome to Hell by Ronald McGillvray

Genre: Dark Fantasy Horror Format: Paperback Pages: 364 Rating: ★★★★★ Synopsis: Down a lonely stretch of highway stands the deserted and des...