Thursday, June 27, 2024

There's Something Sinister in Center Field by Robert P. Ottone

Genre: Middle Grade Ghost Mystery

Format: Paperback ARC 

Pages: 128

Rating: ★★★★★


Casey knew the Owera Valley Kingfishers were slated to win it all. With star center fielder Danny surrounded by a motley crew of talented ball players, she knew the team was poised to mimic New York's own Dynasty for dominance that season.

That is until Casey's dad, the coach of the Kingfishers, made a scheduling mistake which forced the team to practice at a historic and altogether too-creepy ballfield.

A ballfield with a secret.

A ballfield with a cemetery just beyond center field.

With Danny's very soul in the balance, the Kingfishers must face a gang of ghoulish spectres in a winner-take-all best of three series. Can the team come together under Casey's leadership and win the most important series of their young lives?


"Give me a fastball just outside the zone any day. Give me a wooden bat over an aluminum all day long. Give me that crack when the bat hammers the sweet spot until the cows come home."

The love of the game. Out for the win of the year.

13-year-old Casey loves baseball, and spending time with her dad who is the coach for the Kingfishers baseball team. When the Kingfisher team ends up playing on an old historic ball field, they are challenged to a best in three series. But their opponents are not human. They are playing to save their star center fielder and good friend, Danny. If they do not win, they will lose him to the ghastly ghosts forever. 

Kids who love baseball will certainly connect to and enjoy this. Even more so if they are fans of a little spookiness. They could easily relate to the diversity and age of the characters and possibly some of the challenges of their young lives.

Friendship bonds, family bonds, and the determination it takes to endure any challenge. 

There is a lot of fun to this story, a few chuckles sprinkled in, and a big dusting of heart. 

*This gets all the stars from me because reading it with the perspective in mind that it's written for middle grade and the fact that I work as an elementary school librarian, I know what the kids enjoy reading. I am positive that this would be a hit for many.

*Thank you so much, Robert P. Ottone and Cemetery Gates Media for the complimentary copy.

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About the author

Robert P. Ottone is the Bram Stoker Award-winning author of THE TRIANGLE and is also the best-selling author of CURSE OF THE COB MAN, THE SLEEPY HOLLOW GANG, THE VILE THING WE CREATED and NOCTURNAL CREATURES.


He holds two master’s degrees in Education, as well as an MFA in Children’s Literature.

A bagel-loving fabulist of spooky absurdity, Ottone enjoys cigars, cocktails and time with his wife.

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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Blood Covenant by Alan Baxter

Genre: Horror

Format: eBook

Pages: 281

Rating: ★★★★★


What should have been a breeze of a bank heist for James Glenn and his crew goes violently wrong, forcing them to flee, blood-stained and angry. They stumble onto a remote lodge that doesn’t open for another month—a perfect place to lie low until the heat’s off.
Except it’s occupied.
The Moore family, just arrived to prepare for the season, are taken hostage by the criminals, but not without bloodshed. And when blood gets spilled, something ancient notices. Something malevolent. Something ravenous.
Their only hope is the youngest Moore, teenager Rueben, outside and unseen when James and his gang arrive. It’s up to Rueben to get help and save his family, but the influence of the ancient evil is taking a toll on him as well…


"The world was black and filled with blood."

When a bank robbery has gone off the rails, the four involved must now make some of the hardest choices of their lives. Decisions are made that not all agree upon, but the driving force of the group has control and will stop at nothing to save his own skin. As one of their lives are hanging in the balance between life and death, the tension rises between them. Seeking refuge, they come upon a remote lodge where they believe they can hide out for a while, but they discover there are people already there which complicates the plan. 

The Moore's have arrived to open the lodge for the season. Excited for family time and preparation, they are ready to get started. But their plans are upended when an unlikely crew arrives, setting in motion a string of events that will change the lives of all present. Everyone is now fighting to survive. 

There is something hidden deep within the darkness. It has been stirred from its deep slumber and it is arising. It hungers and it must feed.

There is a lot that is unpacked in this suspenseful, supernatural, horror story. Multiple characters, an ancient evil, flashbacks, and gifts of sight. Crime, family bonds, death, and grief. Steeped in dark, graphic imagery and non-stop fight for survival, there isn't a moment of letting up on the excitement of wanting to know what was going to occur next. The Moore family is so endearing, I was routing for their survival and felt their heartbreak as lives were lost. Felt the fear that was creeping in as the dreadful darkness was returning from its slumber ready to feed from the victims and rise from the depths of its ancient slumber. 

Action, murder, sacrifice, tension, and lots of bloody moments. I was captivated throughout the whole story. 

This one is a top 10 contender of the year! I loved it! 

*I did receive an advanced reader copy in eBook form from Cemetery Dance, so a very kind thank you, it is always very much appreciated. I am expecting a paperback copy arriving from the Cemetery Dance Trade Paperback Book Club.

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About the author

Alan Baxter is a multi-award-winning author of horror, supernatural thrillers and dark fantasy liberally mixed with crime, mystery and noir. This Is Horror podcast calls him “Australia’s master of literary darkness” and the Talking Scared podcast dubbed him “The Lord of Weird Australia.” He’s also a martial artist, a whisky-soaked swear monkey, and dog lover. He creates dark, weird stories among dairy paddocks on the beautiful south coast of NSW, Australia, where he lives with his family and other animals.

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Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Rising (Crooked Tales) by Chris Harrison

Genre: YA/Horror

Format: eBook

Pages: 268

Rating: ★★★★


In the heart of a derelict, once-infamous hotel, believed to be one of Britain’s most haunted places, lies a chilling mystery that defies the understanding of the local police. Crooked House, buried deep in the woods of a sleepy village harbouring a chilling secret, with its dark history of unsolved murders and spectral whispers, becomes the stage for a group of unlikely heroes.

Wannabe influencer Kane Jackson and his best friend JJ saw the mysterious Crooked House as the perfect opportunity to capture the attention of their online audience and make a name for themselves. Little do they know that the shadows harboring tortured spirits are just the beginning. Kane’s strong-willed kid brother Zach, headstrong Meridia Wilson, and child prodigy Izzy Di Salvo are reluctantly dragged into the venture with them.

As the group delves deeper into the haunted halls, a malevolent force awaits, hungry for their fears and vulnerabilities. With every step, the secrets of Crooked House unravel, revealing a darkness that goes beyond their darkest nightmares.

Can this unlikely team unlock the harrowing secrets and survive the malevolent forces that threaten to consume them?

In this edgy and dark young adult supernatural horror novel, survival comes at a harrowing cost, and the echoes of Crooked House linger long after the final chapter.


"We've been waiting for you...

When a group of adventurous young kids decide to go explore an abandoned, notorious B&B called "Crooked House", known to be steeped in mystery and hauntings, they find more than they were expecting.  Only wanting to see if the hotel was simply haunted by ghosts and capture it on camera, they discover what's inside is much more malevolent and sinister. Trapped within, they all must fight to find their way out or be lost to the darkness forever. After what they have experienced, they continue to try to understand what is happening and why their lives are now entangled to the mystery and what lies waiting to consume their lives. As they each continue to experience a sinister being, they gather together to continue to try to discover and stop what is happening. 

From the start, we are given a look into some of the history that enshrouds the hotel, the previous owners, and the  reasons for the abandonment.  Advancing forward to the present, we learn about the kids and the dynamics of their lives, giving us that connection to each of the characters. Each of them having their own endearments and troubles. 

The atmosphere is very foreboding as we are taken inside to experience the sinister forces that lie within. Feeling just as trapped and anxious as the group of kids. Wondering how they are possibly going to escape. It was like stepping through time and entering into a labyrinth of dreams, especially as more and more of the story unfolded. 

I really liked the inclusion of being taken back in time and learning the truth of the hotel and the reveal of what the sinister forces actually were. I felt it was a very interesting concept. There were some things that were revealed that were surprising and the ending was unexpected, as well. 

This will be an ongoing series and I can only imagine the horrors that are planned to continue the adventure. 

A very well written debut novel that will surely appeal to YA readers as well as anyone who enjoys horror.

**My appreciation to Wicked Ink Publishing and Chris Harrison for the complimentary e-ARC. 

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About the author

Chris Harrison is a writer, producer, and author of the Crooked Tales series. Born in North London, he studied Film at Middlesex University to satisfy his deep-rooted fascination with the art of storytelling. Whilst there, he discovered analysing films all day gave him the perfect opportunity to delve deeper into decades of literary and cinematic horror, a passion since early childhood.

Having previously written for film and education, Chris is now focused on fulfilling a lifelong dream and is busy creating immersive worlds full of spine-tingling terror for a young adult audience. Fusing together classic themes of the supernatural and macabre with more contemporary urban mythology, he is on a mission to re-imagine our deepest and darkest fears for a new generation of horror fans.

Now based on the south coast of England, when he’s not writing Chris can often be found on the basketball court coaching young people or posting spooky artwork on Instagram.

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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Draw You In~Vol. 1-Collectors Item by Jasper Bark

Genre: Horror

Format: eBook

Pages: 312

 Rating: ★★★★★


Can you disappear so completely that only one person remembers you existed?

That’s what comics creator Linda Corrigan asks, when her editor, disappears without a trace. Drawn into an FBI investigation by Agent McPherson, Linda and comics historian Richard Ford unearth a chilling link to the forgotten comic artist R. L. Carver, whose work might just hold the key to a series of mysterious disappearances.

As they explore Carver’s life, they uncover the secret history of horror comics, the misfits, madcaps and macabre masters who forged an industry, frightened a generation and felt the heat of the Federal Government. They also stumble on the shadow history of the United States on a road trip that veers into the nation’s dark underbelly, where forbidden knowledge and forgotten lore await them.


"Linda couldn’t help feeling they were on the brink of a rabbit hole and once they went down it, they’d never climb out."

Linda Corrigan's whole world is tipped on its edge when her comic book editor has disappeared. When she asks around for him, no one has any idea who she is talking about. None of it makes any sense as these are people that have known him for many years. Not knowing where else to turn, she files a missing persons report with the FBI but is met with even more shocking results. 

Agent McPherson is the only one who takes an interest as he realizes there is a connection to a mystery he has been keeping track of for awhile. He confronts Linda and convinces her to join him in the investigation along with a comics historian. 

As they research a notorious horror comic book creator, they are pulled into a world of hidden societies and have put their lives and the lives of others in danger. 

I am not going to say anymore about the story as I wouldn't want to include any spoilers. There is a lot that goes on throughout this whole story as it evolves. Lots of characters and information to pay close attention to but it flows together flawlessly. There is a deep history of the world of comic books, writers, artists, and editors, moving forward to today's internet trolls, and a whole underbelly of the dark and macabre. 

I honestly have never read anything so creative and intriguing. From the prologue to the ending, there was never a moment that didn't hold my interest. The whole mystery is exciting along with the characters unveiling their own mysterious backgrounds and connections to the darkest parts of the comic book world. R.L. Carver, the ill-famed horror comic creator, is a very dark character. What he creates is frightening and adds a whole new level of taking us beyond the realm of reason.

Draw You In Volume 2 will be releasing on June 21st and this is one I am invested in continuing. I am so looking forward to see how this is going to unfold and how deep into this JB is going to take this whole new level of intense and compelling writing.

**My thanks and appreciation goes out to Crystal Lake Publishing and Jasper Bark for sending an e-ARC. 

**Available for purchase and on KU

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About the author

Jasper Bark is infectious - and there’s no known cure. If you’re reading this then you’re already at risk of contamination. The symptoms will begin to manifest any moment now. There’s nothing you can do about it. There’s no itching or unfortunate rashes, but you’ll become obsessed with his books, from the award winning collections 'Dead Air' and 'Stuck on You and Other Prime Cuts', to cult novels like 'The Final Cut' and acclaimed graphic novels such as 'Bloodfellas' and 'Beyond Lovecraft'.

Soon you’ll want to tweet, post and blog about his work until thousands of others fall under its viral spell. We’re afraid there’s no way to avoid this, these words contain a power you are hopeless to resist. You’re already in their thrall and have been since you began reading this bio. Even now you find yourself itching to read the whole of his work. Don’t fight it, embrace the urge and wear your obsession with pride!

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Friday, June 7, 2024

The Corner of Her Eye~Book One: The Keeper

Genre: Historical Horror

Format: Paperback

Pages: 248

Rating: ★★★★★


"I didn't expect to die today..."

Everyone dies. But what happens if you’re not ready when it’s your turn?

The first time Charlie White nearly died, there was no light at the end of the tunnel. Her life didn't flash before her eyes. There were no pearly gates. As the sufferer of a rare medical condition, she has lost count of the number of times she's faced death.

Traumatised and afraid, she upends her high-flyer Sydney lifestyle and escapes to the relative isolation and safety of rural New South Wales, Australia. But as strange occurrences start up in her 1920s cottage, she realises she's not as alone as she'd hoped.

The spirits are restless and not everything is as it seems. Charlie's life is not the only thing hanging in the balance. Her beliefs, her sanity, her very connection to reality, are under threat. She soon realises 
purgatory is all too real, and she's not its only inhabitant.


"Perhaps your life doesn't flash before your own eyes at the end, Charlie thought, but before the eyes and over the hearts of everyone who's ever loved you."

When Charlie begins to face the fact that her life is at risk every single day, she takes measures to protect herself. Giving up her career and moving to a place of isolation gives her some hope of living in a somewhat balanced protection of safety from that which can take her life. 

As she is adjusting to her new life, doing her best to keep herself as safe as possible, she explores her new property, the new town, and does her best to fit in and create a balanced life for herself.


There are ghosts and they are lingering in the shadows of the past. Lost in the "waiting place", forever experiencing the pain and harm that was inflicted upon them. Seeking out the living to help them escape and move into the peaceful place. 

The Corner of Her Eye is not only a story of mystery and suspense, but ghosts which are haunting the living, causing fear and havoc. It's a journey of self-discovery, family, friendship, and reaching through the passages of time to free souls that are calling for help. 

Charlie is a wonderful character that is easy to connect to as her journey is full of many challenges. A life that unfolds before us. Her character is raw and real. Her heart is pure. She is strong and perseveres through it all. 

Many other characters have endearing qualities and create a feeling of discovering new friends to follow as their journey continues. 

There were moments that gave me the chills and had me looking around corners. I might have left a light on a couple of times. I do not scare easily, but the descriptions were so vivid, and without giving a spoiler, what lurks in the darkness is frightening. Moments that Charlie goes through, as well, gave me the spine tingling shivers. Although, the creepiness is not the main focus, it is just enough to create those horror elements along side the suspense. 

This is a marvelous debut! I am very much looking forward to the next book and continuing to follow Charlie's journey!

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About the author

JJ Carpenter has been writing books since she was six years old - a collection of kooky tales she would staple together and hide in a shoebox under her bed. Penning her first novel at the age of 12, her love of all things creepy, supernatural and wild has never left her. Join JJ as she journeys through haunted places and chilling mysteries across the beautiful country, and rich history, of Australia.

JJ was born in Canberra, Australia. She spent her childhood in various locations, including the Barossa Valley, South Australia, and Hampshire, England. As an adult, she's spent much of her career living and working in the South Pacific: Solomon Islands (twice), Vanuatu, Fiji and beyond.

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Through the Ravenous Night We Ride by Calvin Demmer

Genre: Horror Short Stories Format: eBook Pages: 117 Rating: ★★★★ Synopsis: Secret societies, serial killers, malevolent criminals, and othe...