Thursday, June 23, 2022


Rating: ★★★★★

Genre: Horror

Format: eBook

Pages: 22

Read: 06/23/22


Introducing THE REVEREND.

The Professor has found God and this is the first of his X-rated sermons casting new light on key narratives from the Bible.

Are you prepared for a particularly provocative, yet deeply spiritual, presentation of God and humanity?

Sermon One begins where it must. In the beginning...


“The Lord knows why you are here. You have come seeking salvation. You saw the light in my tent, glowing in the deep darkness of the night and you knew it was calling you.”

Step into the tent and hear the voice of the Reverend. Listen to him speak. He will tell you that God is always watching, that he has always been watching. Let him open your eyes to what lies within the storytelling. He will open your eyes from the darkness to the light from the beginning. He will tell you of the creation of man and woman and the great garden of their dwelling. The tempting existence of the Tree, the serpent and the tantalizing sweetness of the fruit that calls. It is waiting there, too enticing to resist and it will tell you to make the choice to truly live, to feel, to live a full life before death consumes your existence. 

“You will know. 

You will know what it is to weep, 

to scream, 

to cry, 

to laugh, 

to ache, 

to bleed, 

to fear, 

to hope.”

From the first moment I heard that The Professor was beginning this series, I had no doubt that we were all in for something truly unique and extra special. If one is at all familiar with the stories of the bible and has an understanding of what lies within, then one should also understand that we all have our own interpretations and stories that connect within ourselves. We all see and feel it at many different levels. We have our favorites and our own beliefs. One must always have an open mind to learning and accepting our own beliefs along with what others may believe. 

The same holds true for storytelling and reading. We all have our own thoughts and we take from each story what our hearts and souls reach out for. It’s all personal and an experience to treasure.

Anyone familiar with The Professor’s storytelling will know what to expect. He creates something new from ancient and classic stories and writes it into something sensual and exotic. There is always something more that is being offered to us from his mind to ours. He opens our minds and makes our souls burn for more. 

The beauty lies within the words. 

“God understands storytelling and there was a moment in darkness when He began to tell our story. “

The first installment of The Sermons is available on 

For the price of $0.50 you not only get the eBook but you also get the earworm. Listening to the voice of the Professor/Reverend makes the story that much more enticing and fully immersible. 

Link to Godless:

Link to The Professor:

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