Saturday, May 7, 2022

Karaoke Night by John Watson

Rating: ★★★★★

Genre: Horror

Format: eBook

Pages: 192

Read: 05/07/22

Amazon Synopsis: 

Missing in rural Georgia for three days, travel blogger Brian Keane is found with no memory of his lost time. What he does have, though, is a digital recorder containing interviews with eleven people whom he does not remember talking to.
Each person tells the story behind their reason for singing their chosen song at Karaoke Night, with each tale a little more twisted than the one before. What becomes clear through these interviews is that the people of Redfield, Georgia are connected in ways they could never have imagined.
Brian Keane may have zero recollection of those lost three days, but through his transcripts, he stumbles upon the true story of one creepy little Georgia town and the Karaoke Night where the songs always remain the same.


"Ten songs, Ten tales, One Creepy town."

"A little over a year ago, I went missing for 72 hours."

Brian travels to write about lesser known dive bars. His recent destination, the town of Redfield, Georgia. Karaoke Night here is not typical, as the singers sing the very same song over and over. As Brian interviews each one, they tell their story behind the chosen song. Each one has a connection to the previous and it all comes together as they each tell of the darkness that lies within their souls.

The "Unknown" is ever watching and they must bring their stories to completion for it to be completely understood. The journey through song must be followed. It is dark, sinister, frighteningly creepy and it descends into a macabre atmosphere.

I enjoyed reading this. Presented as interviews was unique and the personalities of each character came to life. As someone who loves, appreciates music and feels that music is a universal language, I loved how each chapter was a song title. It really sets the mood and easily creates a connection. Albeit, John turns these titles into a deep and dark tale of the horrific. It was all wrapped up tightly into an excellent ending.

This one is a gem!

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