Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The Tears of A Raging God: Sermon Two by The Reverend

Rating: ★★★★★

Genre: Horror

Formar: eBook

Pages: 15

Read: 07/26/22


Are you prepared for a particularly provocative, yet deeply spiritual, presentation of God and humanity?In Sermon Two, The Reverend considers the Flood.


Noah, the great patriarch chosen by God because of his blameless piety. Chosen to perpetuate humanity and teach them to flourish in a sinless life. To be fruitful and multiply and resist all evil.

He hears his calling and he answers. He understands the hurt and the pain. The suffering as the lord watches the wickedness of his people. He now understands his mission and prepares for the flood of tears.

“Even the children. Oh, God, even the children! Tainted as they are. There can be nothing for them but tears now. Tears of love. Tears to wash them. Tears to wash their impurities from the earth. Tears to carry them away.”

The restoration of goodness has begun!

Beautifully written, evoking thoughtfulness towards compassion and understanding. Haunting throughout, imagine the suffering felt so deeply it causes a bleeding and wounded heart. 

The poetic form, imagery, and symbolism is illuminating!! 

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