Friday, July 15, 2022

The Tower: The Bedlam Bible #1 by William Pauley III


Rating: ★★★★★

Genre: Magical Realism/Bizarre

Format: eBook/Audio

Pages: 80

Read: 07/15/22

Amazon Synopsis:

Something is happening to the residents of Eighth Block Tower...

There's radiation in the walls. Salt covers the hallways. The food and water are poisonous. A giant green brain pulsates under the roof, pumping electric venom throughout the apartment building. The residents are trapped and losing their minds.

Sanity is a myth. Sickness is life.


“The radiation from the walls continues to soak into our skin, and we glow happily and beautifully until the moment we all step down into our graves.”

The Tower. The Eighth Block.  Home to the misfits and outcasts,  where no one ever leaves and no one ever pays attention. To the outside world around them that pretend they don’t exist. Everything is strange and everyone is weird. It’s a tower with radiation filled walls driving the minds of the tenants to believe everyone is crazy.

In the first story “Hypnagogia”, we are introduced to two of the funniest characters, complete crackers.  Their style of fishing is sucking dark matter from the sky with a shop vac on the rooftop, food for their God. Their lifestyle and conversation had me in complete stitches!

The second story “Invalids” the tower continues to drive the tenants to madness. Someone or something  is murdering the women, brutally ripping them apart. Creepy mutants, voiceless, and the desire to kill. Where they came from was so surprising. I certainly did not see that coming, what a twist. Somewhat heartbreaking and sad. The lengths one will go to for love.

The third and final story “Under Green Brain” we meet other characters and the source of power that fills the walls with the radioactive liquid. Craziness, frenzy, and bedlam ensue!

Glowing, green slime filled walls, a kaiju, hallucinations and insanity. Can you hear the constant humming? Is it all just an illusion? Or is it the only reality that exists inside "The Eighth Block"?

Mind bending madness!

Horrific and bizarre!

An uncanny nightmare!

Highly Amusing! 

Great writing! 

Creative, superb storytelling!

I super enjoyed reading this!

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