Friday, August 26, 2022

The Avarice (Seven Deadly Sins Anthologies Book 1)


Rating: ★★★★★

Genre: Horror

Format: eBook

Pages: 144

Read: 08/26/22


Avarice - “extreme greed for wealth or material gain.”

Everyone wants to be ahead of the game. A little richer going out of this world than they came into it. But how far is too far? Between these pages you will find 7 tales of riches, the people who were hurt to gain them and the ones who would do anything to acquire them. Includes stories from:

Nico Bell
Jill Girardi
Lyndsey Ellis Holloway
Ruthann Jagge
Kenzie Jennings
Rebecca Rowland
Sonora Taylor


With all anthologies, the voices of each author shine through with exceptional stories. All the contributing authors did an amazing job at weaving together these dark tales of greed. Each one focuses on a different concept of how and what the character’s  are willing to do to earn their desired riches, material gains, and fame. 

In these seven tales we are given a look into greedy, dark desires filled with dread and doom. 

~The Secret Recipe by Nico Bell

The desire to own a business that has a hidden secret and causes everything to spiral out of control ending in destruction and regret.

~Balminder’s Miracle Elixir by Jill Girardi 

The desire to rid oneself of a wife to gain all her money using dark practices. Watch out for the risen for she is filled with wrath and vengeance.

~Greedy Pig by Lyndsey Ellis Holloway

A possessive and narcissistic man hell bent on completely controlling his girl but she has her own plans. She slowly and painfully exacts her revenge.

~Quota by Ruthann Jagge

The desire to become an internet presence. To be recognized, admired, and gain all the attention. To finally have that social standing. At what cost and how far will one go to gain that ubiquitous fame? 

~Wreckers by Kenzie Jennings

Vain intentions, mayhem and madness. A vision to rid the world of greed and debauchery. A spiritual cleansing of the world through cultish practices causing a following of suicidal ideations and homicide. 

~Pape Satร n Aleppe by Rebecca Rowland

The desperation for wealth leads to a kidnapping gone wrong. The devil is ever lurking behind the evils of the world.

~The Stone Collector by Sonora Taylor

A young girl living in the shadows of her mother’s simple life. Wanting more that life has to offer and to escape from the clutches of this mundaneness. She is willing to sacrifice everything to reach her desires but she must pay the price that is asked of her. 

Rich with imagery and depth, each of these are a stand out in the author’s ability to deliver creepy, dark, and twisted tales of greed. 

I thoroughly enjoyed all of these!

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Announcment from D&T:

We are happy to announce that all money received from the sale of our anthology, “The Avarice”, will go to The Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley Scholarship. We love who this scholarship is awarded to and the difference it makes.

This series is dedicated to Brad Tierney.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Last of the Ravagers (Splatter Western #13) by Bryan Smith


Rating: ★★★★

Genre: Splatter Western

Format: eBook

Pages: 260

Read: 08/21/22

Amazon Synopsis:

Snakebite is a sleepy town in the middle of the Arizona desert. Nothing much exciting happens there. Until, that is, a terrified bounty hunter rides in raving about monsters.

Shortly thereafter, a stranger named Doyle shows up, a mysterious figure with powerful magic at his command. Alternately known as the Lord of the Dead and the Last of the Ravagers, the renegade wizard seeks even greater power, the source of which resides in the heart of Snakebite.

As monsters and dead things rise and lay siege to the town, a band of citizens must come together to make a desperate last stand.


“On a lonely night in the Arizona desert, face turned toward the sky, a man could sometimes start to feel as if he were a solitary traveler of the cosmos, standing at the edge of the universe and staring into the depths of infinity.”

A mighty force has arrived in the desert of Arizona. Making its way towards the isolated town of Snakebite, it has one purpose in mind, humanity now belongs to him and shall do his bidding. Alongside his minions, the battle for evil power has begun.

When the dead begin to rise, the sheriff must begin gathering the townspeople to figure out what is happening and try to provide safety. They must come together to fight against this evil force that has now been wreaking havoc on their friends and neighbors. 

As the death toll rises and more morbid sinister occurrences continue to happen, another stranger appears. She claims to be a gunslinger from another world and is hunting the evil entity that calls itself “The Last of the Ravagers.” She must convince the sheriff and the townspeople to put their trust in her, for she is the only one capable of stopping the death and destruction. 

One does not have to be a fan of westerns to enjoy a Splatter Western, it’s a whole new world of the sinister and macabre. This has the setting of an old style western town including a saloon and brothel, but there are hidden secrets within. 

Combining a fantastical realm alongside the earthly realm with devilry,  alienish creatures, walking corpses, gunslingers, death and destruction, and splatting it with blood, guts and gore, abhorrent sexual endeavors, murder, destruction, and a battle between good and evil makes for a very entertaining and often times comical story to let oneself be immersed in. Including creative characters that will either create a sense of disgust or drawing that pistol, jumping on that horse and riding alongside and routing for the good guys. 

“Somewhere way out west, in the middle of the night, I had an encounter with the macabre. With monsters and a resurrected dead man.”

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Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Run, Run, Baby by Gitte Tamar


Rating: ★★★★

Genre: Horror Suspense

Format: eBook

Pages: 170

Read: 08/16/22

Amazon Synopsis:

As the chatty classroom of kindergarten children excitedly awaits the final bell to release them for the weekend, Chloe, racked with exhaustion, desperately attempts to keep her eyes open. Nervously staring at the battered wooden desk, her six-year-old mind becomes fixated on the sound of the room's ticking clock. Emaciated and sleep-deprived, she reluctantly surrenders her consciousness. The innocent moment of a typical childhood daydream quickly turns into a nightmare filled with a familiar ghoulish entity and its torturous acts. Chloe struggles to survive the grim reality of her hellish life in which trauma-derived monsters haunt every moment of her existence.


“Her sunken cheeks describe one of the dark monsters that haunt her waking life, and the signs of malnutrition on her petite frame are exaggerated by the dirty blonde hair that highlights the color of the dark purple stains under her eyes.”

This book is about Chloe. A six year old who is suffering from nightmares, monstrous and debilitating. She is scared of the monsters that are constantly haunting her, causing her pain and constant fear. She loves her little brother Timmy so much, and wants to protect him from the same heartache and pain. To achieve escaping, she must face  her fear and fight the monsters that are the cause of her torture and torment.

This story is not an easy read as it is clearly about childhood trauma. Throughout the story, it can become a bit confusing, because at times we are given Chloe’s real life nightmare of monsters  and at other times her nightmare of figurative monsters. It does become more clear as the story unfolds and it is easily seen how her figurative monsters connect to her literal monsters. There are small flashes of some happy moments, but they are very short lived and we are thrown right back into the darkness of Chloe’s life. 

How the mind of a child works to encapsulate that area of protection. Blending her monsters  from her imagination with the monsters in her reality. Fighting with all her might and begging to make it all stop. Her innocence of childhood has been shattered and she begins to create ways to cope. 

This is suffering, this is the loss of childhood. It is heartbreaking and tense.

The ending brings everything together and it all makes sense, but it is not a happy ending. 

The author has written of despair and the darkness that settles into the mind when a child is horrifically abused. I feel that it was written well and encases a very important message and brings to the surface the importance of understanding the effects of physical and emotional abuse.

Powerfully evocative!

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Sunday, August 14, 2022

Born Sick by Aaron Lebold


Rating: ★★★★★

Genre: Horror

Format: eBook

Pages: 194

Read: 08/14/22


When two soon-to-be doctors find themselves as roommates in medical school, they have no idea how much they have in common. As light begins to lift the shadows of the past, thoughts for the future begin to take shape. Being a doctor has been a dream for both men, but both have also struggled with their own personal nightmares. Years of counseling and searching for some kind of trauma to explain their individual desires has left them with no conclusions except for the obvious. They weren’t made into monsters by society. They weren’t tortured adolescents who were pushed into darkness. They were just born that way. They were born sick.

Follow two timelines on a twisted road trip of experiments, kidnapping, and much more. No need to worry, these men are professionals.

Advanced Review:

Charles and Jason meet when they become roommates at college. They are both there to earn their degrees as MD’s. As time passes, they learn more about each other and realize they are alike in many ways. They both have dark desires and grotesque obsessions and as they share their past with each other their friendship bond becomes even stronger. They accept each other for who/what they are…."I guess when I think about it, the only logical conclusion is that we were both born sick, my friend."

Following two timelines we are taken into the dark depths of the lives of Charles and Joan Benway and Jason Sax.

Holy wow these characters are as dark as they can get. They all have different obsessions that are utterly disturbing and unnatural. Their friendship bond is strong, and no matter the situation they help each other fulfill their dark desires. 

From the synopsis I had an idea of what “Born Sick” would mean pertaining to the story. Being familiar with the minds of serial killers we know they are disturbed. These characters are not serial killers but have very similar qualities and the fact that they are helping each other is even worse. The things they do are sick, sick, sick!

I was so engaged in this story, I stayed awake all night reading it, one of those that had to be finished to see what was going to happen in the end and it definitely had an ending I was not expecting. 

Horrifying, absolutely horrifying, focusing on the disturbed minds of humans and their ability to be ugly and cruel. 

Fans who love grotesque and disturbing,  you are going to love this one!

From the author:

This book includes scenes of child and animal abuse. Read at your own risk.

Available to purchase on Amazon on 8/19 and Godless 8/20.

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Saturday, August 13, 2022

The Date by Mort Stone


D&T Publishing LLC & Godless, Emerge #8

Rating: ★★★★

Genre: Horror

Format: eBook

Pages: 34

Read: 08/13/22


How do you impress the father of a girl you like?

When Dean lands a date with his dream girl Lara, he’s nervous about meeting her protective
family first.
Dates are always nerve-wracking, but Dean will remember this one for the rest of his life.
However short that life might be.

WARNING: There might be some violence in this story...

Advanced Review:

“IT’S JUST A DOOR. Breathe! Inhale…exhale…inhale…exhale…”

Dean has been invited on a date with his dream girl, Lara. This is a dream come true for him, one he never thought would happen. As any young teenager, he is nervous and wants to make a good first impression with her parents. He is struggling to knock on that door and enter. Before the night is through, he will wish that he hadn’t.

Mort’s first story release delves us into those angsty teenage years. Having thoughts of self doubt, always being nervous, and trying hard to fit in. First dates are an exciting time for young teens, but they can also be the worst. Not knowing what to expect, wondering if it will go well or be an epic fail. Nerves at an all time high especially when it is a dream date and those hormones are raging. Not wanting to make any mistakes or make the wrong moves. 

All the plans Lara had for her date with Dean end up all going wrong and it alters both of their lives forever. 

Shit hits the fan really quickly and the blood, guts, and gore start flying. There is no holding back from this point on. It's fight or flight time, survive or die time.

An entertaining slasher with a few little twists to keep one guessing.

I enjoyed reading this debut and by the end I was chuckling. Well done, Mort, well done!

*This will be available to purchase on on August 16th. 

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D&T Publishing Godless Link:

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The Garden of Bewitchment (Fiction Without Frontiers) by Catherine Cavendish


Rating: ★★★★★

Genre: Historical Fantasy

Format: Paperback

Pages: 240

Read: 08/10/22

Amazon Synopsis:

In 1893, Evelyn and Claire leave their home in a Yorkshire town for life in a rural retreat on their beloved moors. But when a strange toy garden mysteriously appears, a chain of increasingly terrifying events is unleashed. Neighbour Matthew Dixon befriends Evelyn, but seems to have more than one secret to hide. Then the horror really begins. The Garden of Bewitchment is all too real and something is threatening the lives and sanity of the women. Evelyn no longer knows who - or what - to believe. And time is running out.


Twins, Evelyn and Claire, spinster women, wanting to hide from society move to a remote location. A sweet little cottage in the Yorkshire Moors. A place for peace and quiet where they can avoid prying eyes and write their stories. 

Settling into their new home, they discover a toy box called “The Garden of Bewitchment”. It appears to be magic and they are quite enamored by the box's ability to create an alternate world that feels all too real but disappears and causes even more confusion and fear.

Things become very sinister as there are appearances of ghosts of the past and strange occurrences begin happening in the sisters home. 

The neighbors become involved and want to help the sisters to solve the mystery and yet their intentions do not seem to be trustworthy. 

The blend of reality and the supernatural gives the story a quality of nothing is as it seems and a sense of being isolated and confused. What is real and what is really happening to these poor sisters? Steeped in deep gothic imagery and the isolated misty moors creates an unsettling  feeling of being watched and wanting to look around corners to see if something is lurking. Appearances of sinister presences with evil intentions, the howling of wolves, walking along dark paths, and being trapped in an abandoned cottage were spine tingling. 

Suspenseful , mysterious, and creepy with an unexpected ending!

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Sunday, August 7, 2022

Consort: The Rift Bride Book 1 by Ada Dart


Rating: ★★★★★

Genre: Gothic Reverse Harem Romance

Format: eBook/ARC

Pages: 442

Read: 08/03/22

Amazon Synopsis:

The territory master wants me for his bride, but his closest servant is my fated mate. Dare a woman ask for both a husband and her bonded companion?


When I was born, my father made a deal.


Now, to protect my remaining family, I must make good his bargain.


A rare specimen in a deadly and dissolving world, I am to belong to Malin Farrow: the master of Gudrune, and among the most feared leaders since the beginning of the Rift Events and all the monsters they bring with them.


Yet, despite his wicked reputation, and all the dark proclivities that make him infamous, he comes to love me--and I love him.


So what draws me to Eleison--his adversarial, standoffish, maddeningly beautiful footman with a beast in his heart?


For that matter...why must I be obsessed when Eleison can't stand to be near me?


**Inspired by Bluebeard, Beauty & The Beast, and Rapunzel, The Rift Bride is a reverse harem gothic romance set in a techno-Victorian universe. This entry features fated mates with a hot shifter on the one hand and age gap attraction with a dangerous older man on the other. It's a medium burn with no male cheating, jealous/possessive love, an HFN ending in an HEA series, and just the right amount of angst to balance out the very steamy scenes! 18+


**This series is by and large about VILLAINS who will get their happy ending, so be forewarned! Plot content can be dark and triggers include general BDSM, bondage, age gap romance, whipping/spanking, knifeplay, kidnapping, and some shocking twists in future volumes. Reader discretion is encouraged.

Advanced Review:

“In my environment, as in myself, I became aware of an intense battle between two energies. One drove me to stay home, where life was peaceful and quiet, and where the innocent joys of childhood could still be kindled up like a fire. But the other energy wished to break free. To abandon everything of that innocent childhood. To leap into the strange parallel reality of adults.”

For 2000 years the rift has affected Thecla’s world. The 2nd industrial era has now been joined with  two new subsets of humans. The altered  men and women now have a beast inside them and the Riftborn whose powers and gifts are not completely understood.

Thecla has both, but she has yet to discover this and understand what it means for her future.

The Rift is monitored for safety and protection, for when it occurs, it opens up an alternate reality where unimaginable creatures come through. 

Seven  years later, Thecla is now 17 years old and beginning a life on her own. It is the  year 4083 when she receives a letter from the territory master summoning her to fulfill a promise made by her father. She learns she is an unregistered riftborn and a second generation altered and her life was promised to the territory master. 

So begins her new life with Malin and Eleison.

My thoughts:

I absolutely love world building and this techno-victorian world was executed exceptionally well. Excellent creativity opening up to a dark world with an alternate reality where dangerous and mysterious creatures evolve.  The rift causes the altered to suffer, shifting into creatures; the hidden beasts that are inside them adds even more danger to the world. Over time we learn more about them and why they are as they are. Very intriguing, indeed! 

Thecla is an endearing character. We at first learn the innocence of her childhood and upbringing. She is adventurous, curious, and wants to experience the world around her. When she is summoned to the territory master, it was actually quite worrisome to know that her life was promised to the one person that everyone seemed to fear. Not knowing what was to become of her life and having to leave behind the only life she has ever known. As her character is developed, she grows in her confidence and learns that she is quite happy with her new life. She falls in love with Malin, the one man that her father always warned her against, but there is no denying her feelings. She also learns that she enjoys her masters' proclivities towards his sexual desires. This is where the story heats up and delves us into hot, spicy, and sexy, blush worthy scenes. Whew….. Very descriptive writing, leaving no doubt of what is occurring between Thecla and Malin. Their love for eachother is actually quite beautiful as it grows into a very strong bond.

Eleison is Thecla’s fated mate and there is no denying the desires between them. Can Thecla have both men and will Malin accept that she has a fated mate? I am choosing not to say too much about this part of the story as it would certainly reveal too many spoilers and that is no fun. It needs to be read to appreciate the reveal! Eleison is very dedicated to Malin and their relationship is a very important part of the story. There is much of Eleison’s character to appreciate and feel connected to. 

I also need to mention Charlotte as she is a very strong character and she helps Thecla in many ways. From learning to fit into her new life, to accepting Malin as he is, and things not to do to put her life in any danger. Charlotte is also very dedicated to Malin and she is excellent at keeping secrets.

From the synopsis, it is very clear what type of story this is, but it is so much more. A whole new world and character’s to truly invest in. Hot and steamy scenes to fulfill those desires of reading a sizzling romance that ticks all the boxes in a reverse harem gothic romance that drips with sexual tension and release. A whole new world to become a part of!

Dark fantastical imagery, excellent world building, exciting character’s, erotic, lusty, passion and villian’s for the win!!

This part of the review will no tbe included on Amazon:

Now I must admit that I am not an expert in the genre and Regina took a chance on me accepting me to her team of ARC readers, I am pretty sure she knew…so from the bottom of my heart…thank you so much for putting your trust in me. As someone who appreciates an author's style of writing, I also knew that I was in for an adventure and I am always looking forward to diving into something new. One never knows what will be enjoyable until it is tried, so I am always willing to try a genre that is new to me.  I really enjoyed reading this as it  has those elements of darkness and world building that I love.  I am definitely invested in these character’s now and I need to finish the journey so I am looking forward to reading book two.  My first book by her was “Industrial Divinity” and it was phenomenal. It made an impact and has definitely hit my top 10 of the year. 

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Friday, August 5, 2022

White Fuzz: The Bedlam Bible #2 by William Pauley III


Rating: ★★★★★

Genre: Horror

Format: eBook

Pages: 77

Read: 08/05/22

Amazon Synopsis:

Franklin feels alone in life. One fateful night, he gets a curious text from a stranger, Lynda, another resident of his apartment building. She convinces him to come over, against his better judgment, and surprisingly the night seems to be going great, despite a little awkwardness.


However, it's clear that Lynda is living with demons that are in desperate need of exercising, as everything inside her apartment seems to trigger some dark memory buried deep within her psyche. In hopes of helping her escape the prison that is her home, he invites her over to his place, but the problems only get worse, to the point he fears she won't make it through the night.


Just when he feels the night has reached peak insanity, he discovers her madness is rubbing off on him…


“She dissolved just yesterday, and though I can’t fathom ever forgetting her, I’ve decided to write down the details of our meeting, of those few precious hours, for the hours changed me…”


Franklin lives in The Eighth Block Tower. He receives a text from a woman he does not know, a random dial. Out of curiosity and boredom he decides to answer.  He realizes that she also lives in the same building and when  he is  invited over to her place he decides to go. What ensues is the strangest, the weirdest and most confusing night of his life. 

Being the second installment of The Bedlam Bible Series, I could not wait to get started. I was excited to once again visit The Eighth Block Tower. 

This one focuses on two main characters. Franklin and Lynda. It focuses on their dynamics as residents of the building and their human dysfunctionality. It breaks into the mind's thought processes of trying to deal with the outside world and how it affects the inner self. 

“Society forces us all to become some strange version of ourselves that simply isn’t accurate, so it makes all of us uncomfortable and awkward as we interact with one another. Some of us are so crippled by these thoughts that we feel anxiety just at the idea of leaving our homes and going out into the world.”

Although this sticks with the theme of the strange and bizarre, dripping with gross moments, it also has deeper content that is very relatable. 

The isolating atmosphere sets the scene and drags us through the dark and salty halls of the tower. 

Creatively creepy!

Five Star Worthy!

Gloom and Doom

Horrific and uncanny!

Mind Blowing!

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Cutter's Deep: Welcome to Hell by Ronald McGillvray

Genre: Dark Fantasy Horror Format: Paperback Pages: 364 Rating: ★★★★★ Synopsis: Down a lonely stretch of highway stands the deserted and des...