Saturday, August 13, 2022

The Date by Mort Stone


D&T Publishing LLC & Godless, Emerge #8

Rating: ★★★★

Genre: Horror

Format: eBook

Pages: 34

Read: 08/13/22


How do you impress the father of a girl you like?

When Dean lands a date with his dream girl Lara, he’s nervous about meeting her protective
family first.
Dates are always nerve-wracking, but Dean will remember this one for the rest of his life.
However short that life might be.

WARNING: There might be some violence in this story...

Advanced Review:

“IT’S JUST A DOOR. Breathe! Inhale…exhale…inhale…exhale…”

Dean has been invited on a date with his dream girl, Lara. This is a dream come true for him, one he never thought would happen. As any young teenager, he is nervous and wants to make a good first impression with her parents. He is struggling to knock on that door and enter. Before the night is through, he will wish that he hadn’t.

Mort’s first story release delves us into those angsty teenage years. Having thoughts of self doubt, always being nervous, and trying hard to fit in. First dates are an exciting time for young teens, but they can also be the worst. Not knowing what to expect, wondering if it will go well or be an epic fail. Nerves at an all time high especially when it is a dream date and those hormones are raging. Not wanting to make any mistakes or make the wrong moves. 

All the plans Lara had for her date with Dean end up all going wrong and it alters both of their lives forever. 

Shit hits the fan really quickly and the blood, guts, and gore start flying. There is no holding back from this point on. It's fight or flight time, survive or die time.

An entertaining slasher with a few little twists to keep one guessing.

I enjoyed reading this debut and by the end I was chuckling. Well done, Mort, well done!

*This will be available to purchase on on August 16th. 

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Goodreads Review Link:

Godless Purchase Link:

D&T Publishing Godless Link:

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