Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Diabolique by John Paul Fitch


Rating: ★★★★★

Genre: Horror

Format: eBook

Pages: 291

Read: 10/10/22


Diabolique is a mashup up of horror fiction, bending the boundaries of indie horror with disturbing, grotesque features that leaves you only wanting more when it's over. Take a devouring transformation, masked power, deranged surgeons, punk noir killers, supernatural and a touch of BDSM, toss it into your rib cage beside your heart and squeeze tightly. You'll begin to perceive, partake and savor the stories within and gasp after each page. The debut collection from Scottish writer John Paul Fitch is a horrifying mix of cosmic measures, body horror and transgression fiction.


Every story is unique, creatively written and blends many genre's throughout. The themes are dark, macabre, and satisfyingly eerie. With all anthologies there are stories that resonate more than others. We all take away what we enjoy the most. Each of these are entertaining and are sure to satisfy any horror lovers dark desires when getting lost in dark fiction.

Faces “The legend says this mask was used to summon a death god to earth. The wearer is possessed by the god, given powers, practically invulnerable.” A man’s journey to find the most notorious mask in existence. His desire runs deep and he sacrifices more than he ever dreamed.  Spiny Creatures, deception, and seclusive darkness surround the elements. 

NIP, TUCK, ZIP, PLUCK  “Perfect skin, perfect cheekbones, perfect lips. Features like these are usually unattainable to the normal person. Normal people are born with flaws—birthmarks, roman noses, crooked teeth, deformities, disfigurements. Normal people are ugly. The world is full of them. Vermin. Mutations of the ethereal beings we are assumed to be. God created man in his own image. There definitely were a few mistakes made along the way.” Love the skin you’re in or you may not survive the Nip, Tuck. This is one that is reminiscent of the serial crime stories that have been in the news. Twisted and nihilistic.

PRINCIPLE  “Mr. Puck had a voice like a rattlesnake’s hiss.” No one ever wants to be called to the principal's office, especially when there is something unnatural about the new one. Death waits behind the veil. Creepy and fear filled.

FRANK SWETTENHAM IS NOT HUMAN  “Look for the signs. The cold atmosphere that pervades the air around him, the warping of space-time, the non-Euclidian geometry of his surroundings. He is known as Nyarlathotep.” A combination of politics, aliens, and cosmic horror. Elements of cultish practices.

THE OUTSIDER “You can tell that at one time this place was classy but has been allowed to run to rot.” This one is a great crime story. Themes of friendship and LGBTQ. Loss of life and grief. 

 COMPLEX “We make dreams come true here.” Erotic encounter and cheaters caught.

 ESCA  ILLICIUM  “Such a fine night for remembering and for tales, would you not agree? Clear winter nights are often best for stories, and such a story I have for you and your publication.”  An ancient creature from time long ago searching to prolong his life. 

“The buck lay open to the flies and vermin, its ruby innards spilled out onto the soft grass of the hill.” A mystery of what is brutally killing the animals on a reserve. A tracker sets out to discover the cause and comes upon a band of tribal women. Hidden agendas and very dark cultish themes.

 THE PANDEMONIUM CARNIVAL “This is a special place, son. Full of magic and wonder.” A father and son bond gathered through time. A life promised to a carnival Jester so one's lineage may continue. A legacy.  A macabre carnival of atrocities. This was actually quite a touching story. 


LURE  “A grizzled old cop whose main fights were with booze and cholesterol and a wife who hated him. He was a terrible cop.” Crooked cops, slums of a city, and a huge twist in the plot that will surprise and take you on a dark journey of carnality and the supernatural.

SUNFLOWERS  “A world of rotting flesh, crumbling and rancid, and above that profane land was a great void—endlessly black.” Something is coming from the depths of the earth, something ancient. The King of the mountain is waiting. 

THE BLACK PARADE “Cold grey sky, cold grey gun in cold grey fingers. Its weight feels good in my hand as I stand amidst the gravestones and wait for the sigh of the wind to herald the coming of the Black Parade.” A deep grief of loss of li
fe. Diving into a desolation of drugs to ease the pain. “Torn and tattered; bodily, spiritually, and mentally, and unable to find solace at the bottom of a bottle, I turned to the needle to chide away the pain.”

 THE ALBUM  “The stairs were soundless under her feet. With the photo album clutched to her bosom, she retreated to her bed once again and began to run her eyes over the stages of her little boy’s life.” A son gone but not forgotten. An eerie photo album brings one woman’s pictures to life. 

ANGELUS  “This is a godless world, filled with non-believers.” Dark religious horror. An angelic rapture. They are searching for something hidden, causing chaos in their wake. 

THE HOUSE OF TEARS “Thomas screamed until his lungs were empty. And it was then that he understood why this place was called The House of Tears.” Erotic Horror, BDSM, desires fulfilled and a longing for forgiveness.  Dark and disturbing. This one is a definite favorite!!

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