Sunday, October 30, 2022

The Dead Heart by Lucas Milliron


Rating: ★★★★★

Genre: Horror

Format: eBook

Pages: 135

Read: 10/30/22


A Tale of Resurrection and Necrophilia.

Wilbert’s a kind recluse, happier in his woodshop than the company of people. After the accidental resurrection, he’s ready to take his secret to the grave.

A champion dead lifter and veterinarian, Arielle’s taste in men is has left a trail of corpses in her wake. While indulging her lust for macabre, she discovers powers that allow her to explore beyond the limitations of life and flesh.

We all have skeletons in our closets, some more alive than others.

Not every secret can be taken to the grave.


“Just because you do the right thing, doesn't make you a hero anymore than not acting makes you a villain.”

Wilbert has a special gift. A gift he wishes he didn't have. He only wants to live a quiet life and be left alone. He has been hiding his secret for 17 years, but when this gift is discovered and it all comes out, people go crazy and he becomes the center of attention. 

Arielle is a dead lifter and a veterinarian, loves animals way more than people. She also has a deep hidden secret. Arielle is a dominatrix with horrifying, unatural macabre fetishes. 

When Arielle discovers Wilberts secret, she must have him and know how it is that he is capable of giving his gift to others. 

Two lives crossing paths turns into a grisly nightmare!

"Wilbert and Arielle couldn't have been more different, more detached from the world. Yet something terrible and strange tied them together. It was a gift, and a curse, a power neither compre‐ hended nor asked for."

Wow, wow, wow! As dark and disturbing as this is, the characters were excellently written. Wilbert is so likable, while Arielle is so damn vile one can't help but be completely disgusted by her. The whole story comes together so well and the ending is so, so good. Excellent prose that had me going back and re-reading certain parts. There is meaning in here alongside the disturbing that makes this an even more excellent read!

Hot damn, I love this one!

"There is no lover like a dead heart,"... "They don't break the living."

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