Wednesday, January 18, 2023

A Christmess Story by Joseph M. Monks


Rating: ★★★★★

Genre: Horror

Format: eBook

Pages: 24

Read: 01/17/23


Those folks at Your Childhood Ruined ain’t got nothing on this timeless classic. The Blind Guy (who brought you ‘Tits A Wonderful Life’ for porno mags) gives you reason to want to shoot your own eyes out. Follow Joe Monks into a very sordid schoolyard, where you’re triple-dog-dared to stick your tongue…and maybe other things…to a rather creepy flagpole. See if you can spot the cameos by other memorable ’80s icons without the Easter egg guide, while Jewish readers will be glad they celebrate the holidays differently!


School can be tough, especially for a new kid. Trying to fit in and stay under the radar of being bullied. So, when Ricky is "double dog dared" and even "triple dog dared" to stick his tongue to an ice covered pole to prove that either it is going to stick or it's not, he accepts the dare. He doesn't believe it will stick, so imagine his surprise when it does. He is horrified and when even more strange occurences begin, it becomes a fight for his life. 

That's all I am going to say as I do not want to spoil anything but this is not a typical stuck tongue and what happens is horrifying. What a twist!!

 I am very familiar with the classic movie "A Christmas Story". Produced in 1983, I have been watching it since I was a child and I have watched it every year, sometimes even more than once, especially when they would run a 24 hour marathon. 

Also being quite familiar with many of the 80s references, I picked up on many of the easter eggs included. The references to the movies are some of my all time favorites from the 80s , so this made this short gorrific little tale even more fun to read, although it was often times painfully disturbing, I chuckled a lot.

(Even though it's not Christmas, it is winter here in Minnesota, so a very fitting time to read it.)

I very kind thank you to Joseph M. Monks for connecting and reaching out, appreciated!

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