Friday, February 24, 2023

The Wilderness by Nat Whiston


Rating: ★★★★★

Genre: Psychological Fiction

Format: eBook

Pages: 51

Read: 02/23/23


Stuck in Temporary accommodation and plagued by horrible nightmares, Olivia must try to force her mind to unlock its secrets. With no memory of the last 2 years coupled with vivid hallucinations, Olivia feels like she is slowly being driven mad. Will learning about her past help her break the cycle and help her confront her trauma? Or is ignorance truly bliss when you are lost in the Wilderness?


"Please, please don't make me go through this again, I remember now. Please don't make me relive it."

Olivia has no idea why she is living where she is and she continues to have recurring nightmares. She wakes terrified and screaming wondering why this is all happening to her. Her closest friend Brandie is the only person she knows, but Brandie may not be who she seems. As Olivia's memories of her past begin to return she realizes her nightmares are all too real.

This is a story that had me in wonder of what was going on, feeling as lost as the main character. As the cause of the dreams are revealed, it ripped out my heart and tore it to shreds. Just absolutely heartbreaking!

A very emotional read and one so easily to connect to. This could be your best friend, your neighbor, your co-worker, your sister, your daughter, or just about anyone you know. 

This is real life horror so wonderfully written it makes the heart bleed, wanting to reach out to give comfort and love!

Dedication from the Author:
"To all the women who are still fighting their demons and to those who managed to escape."

Goodreads Author Link:

Amazon Author Link:

Review Links:

Author's Youtube Link:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much! I really enjoyed this one and Nat is just a wonderful person!


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