Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Colony Collapse (The Shattered Stars Book 1) by KE Wolfe

Rating: ★★★★★

Genre: Science Fiction

Format: eBook

Pages: 88

Read: 03/28/23


The Galactic Federation exists only as a memory. But in a distant corner of the galaxy, the Burning Apollo carries out its impossible mission: to reunite the scattered fragments of humanity, to seek out forgotten stars, to bravely rediscover what was lost long ago.

Episode One: 

The boy from the ice planet distrusts the woman from the sky. For four hundred years his people have struggled to survive, even as they fight over the destroyed vessel that remains their ancestral home. When disaster strikes, the boy must call for help from the woman’s friends beyond the clouds. But the voice that answers will change the future of this planet forever—and not necessarily for the better.
an episodic science fiction series in the tradition of Star Trek: The Next Generation but written with a grunginess and energy closer to Firefly.


A planet long forgotten, trying to survive through the tests of time and continuing desolation. Reaching out to the other planets in the galaxy, they are calling out to their last hope of survival. There is much distrust among the colonies and some tough decisions must be made. Do what must be done or risk the ending of life. 

This is the first installment of a planned series with each coming out every three months. As a huge fan of Star Trek, (yes, I said that, it is one of my comfort go to series to watch), I had no doubt that I would enjoy this science fiction space opera. It's not deep sci-fi, it's light and fun with a lot of heart and soul. 

Fun characters and great world building. I am looking forward to more as each is released. This is a series that is well worth investing the time to be purely entertained, feel a little nostalgia, and go on a trip in outer space.

This was a great adventure, creative and a whole lot of fun!

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Review Links:




Kyle Muntz




Edward Rathke


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