Wednesday, June 29, 2022

And She Was: A Short Story by Elizabeth Bedlam


Rating: ★★★★

Genre: Horror

Format: eBook

Pages: 39

Read: 06/29/22

Amazon Synopsis:

A young woman seeks an abortion but gets talked out of it by a crisis center posing as a women's health clinic. Thus creating what could have been an avoidable mess.


“Vicky stood in the parking lot staring at the blocky building painted in a sickly lemon yellow. The color clashed with the harsh blue banner that fought the wind, FREE SONOGRAMS it silently wailed to all who passed. To her left was a sign that looked hand painted, stitched with wire to the chain link fence that ran down the center of the lot - St. Philomena’s Cradle. Though Vicky forgot the address at home there was no doubt about it, this was the place.”

Vicky has a goal of getting a college degree, but when life takes an unexpected turn of events,  her life begins to spiral. She has become pregnant at the age of 19 and she has no one to support her, so she seeks out an abortion clinic. While there she is being deceived and is convinced not to terminate the pregnancy. Given many promises by this organization, she goes through with the pregnancy and delivers a baby boy. She must now adapt to a life of being a young single mother. With all of the challenges and being alone, her life and her mind spiral into very dark places. 

A very heartbreaking and emotional read. A psychological endeavor into a very bleak and unsettling subject of abortion, deception, and a young mother’s mind escalating into very dark thoughts and loneliness. 

Well written and poignant!

Shredded my heart into a million pieces!

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