Saturday, July 2, 2022

No Lipstick in Avalon by Robert Ford


Rating: ★★★★★

Genre: Women's Contemporary Fiction

Format: Paperback

Pages: 221

Read: 07/02/22


SARA'S LAW #227: If you write the fairy tale in your head, sometimes that's exactly where it will remain. Life sure has its share of shit storms, doesn't it? Believe me, I know. But if you grab a good umbrella and brace yourself, you can weather damn near anything.My umbrella of choice-after I finally decided to pull up my big girl panties-was my friends, tequila, and some creative inspiration, though not necessarily in that order. So grab a drink and pull up a barstool. Come closer because there's a lot I want to tell you. Some lessons learned from the school of hard knocks and ways to hang onto hope.Some of it's bad and a lot of it's good. But I promise you this, love... one way or another, it all works out. Somehow... it always works out.


“I am f**king awesome. If someone doesn’t love me for who I am, then they’re not worth my time. My flaws and my good qualities. My mistakes and my successes.”

This is Sara’s life story. She tells us her memories from childhood into adulthood. Her friendships, her first love, the loss of family, and her divorce. Her adventures through her adult life and overcoming all the obstacles to becoming a better version of herself. Her failures, her successes, and learning how to trust and love again. She shares her laughter, her tears and her grief. Her new found ability to believe in herself. 

I thoroughly enjoyed this from beginning to end. It takes us through so many walks of life and it all feels so real. This could easily be any person's life. We all experience love and happiness, grief and pain. The experiences of childhood and angsty teenage years. The nervousness of heading into adulthood and trying to figure it out and along the way figure out who we are. The hardships and the heartbreaks that everyone experiences at one time or another in life. The hope that someday, maybe someday, we will figure it all out and be content. 

This was so entertaining,  it had me laughing, crying and feeling completely connected to Sara’s character. How Mr. Ford wrote so beautifully and consistently, giving an engaging narrative though a female's perspective truly shows this man’s attention to detail and his ability to write a thought provoking story. I repeat, this man wrote through a female character and he completely nailed it!

One of the best books I have read this year!

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