Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The Tears of A Raging God: Sermon Two by The Reverend

Rating: ★★★★★

Genre: Horror

Formar: eBook

Pages: 15

Read: 07/26/22


Are you prepared for a particularly provocative, yet deeply spiritual, presentation of God and humanity?In Sermon Two, The Reverend considers the Flood.


Noah, the great patriarch chosen by God because of his blameless piety. Chosen to perpetuate humanity and teach them to flourish in a sinless life. To be fruitful and multiply and resist all evil.

He hears his calling and he answers. He understands the hurt and the pain. The suffering as the lord watches the wickedness of his people. He now understands his mission and prepares for the flood of tears.

“Even the children. Oh, God, even the children! Tainted as they are. There can be nothing for them but tears now. Tears of love. Tears to wash them. Tears to wash their impurities from the earth. Tears to carry them away.”

The restoration of goodness has begun!

Beautifully written, evoking thoughtfulness towards compassion and understanding. Haunting throughout, imagine the suffering felt so deeply it causes a bleeding and wounded heart. 

The poetic form, imagery, and symbolism is illuminating!! 

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The Pain Eater by Kyle Muntz


Rating: ★★★

Genre: Horror/ Sibling Fiction

Format: ARC PDF

Pages: 275

Read: 07/26/22

Amazon Synopsis:

The Pain Eater is the story of two brothers from Michigan reunited after the death of their father. They’ve never been close, but now they have to live together—and it gets more difficult when one discovers a strange creature, vomited from the body of a dead cat. A creature that eats human pain. It feels good: too good. Soon he wants to hurt himself more, just so the pain can be taken away. But the more the creature becomes a part of his life, the more he damages everything around him. Some wounds are too deep to ever heal.


Michael and his brother Steven’s father has just passed away. After gathering for the funeral Steven decides to stay with his brother for a while. They do not have a good relationship and were never close to their parents. Haile is Michaels best friend and she spends a lot of time staying at the house, she also does not have a good relationship with her father, so she stays away as much as she can. 

Throughout the whole story we are learning of all their grief and pain. Their resentment of a broken family. Their father was always angry and their mother was mostly absent. 

Michael is also dealing with his own identity, sexually and his inner self. He has always felt as if he has never fit into the world or connected  with anyone. He is quite reclusive and introverted. 

Steven is the type that wants to fix everything. 

Halie is a constant, always there, but her naivete plays a strong part in her character.

Now the creature from the cat, I don't even know what in the world it is. Metaphorically it takes away human pain, but only for short brief periods of time and its sucking on people must be repeated to continue the process. It causes a euphoria and a desire to want more of what it offers. 

“That’s what it does though. It doesn’t change us, it just gets rid of the parts of us that are bad for us.”

This was not an easy read and I often wondered if I would continue it because it was just so bizarre, not saying that is a bad thing, but it is also very bleak and depressing. So much sadness. I think that a good mindset is needed for this one. 

The writing surely stands out and the creativity is insane. 

Intriguing enough to finish to see the outcome, but all in all, I guess I feel that this one just fell in the category of just too strange and a bit frustrating. As with any book, it deserves the right audience to fully enjoy it and I feel that many would!

I actually want to call this book a box of fruity pebbles, such a huge mixture of so many topics. A darkness in humanity and a peculiar creature that is actually really creepy when one ponders on it. 

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Saturday, July 23, 2022

Reconstructing a Relationship by Micah Castle



Genre: Horror

Format: eBook

Pages: 58

Read: 07/23/22


Drew and Terry while out on a date suffer a terrible car accident. The boyfriend dies, but the girlfriend survives. Desperate to be with her love once more, Terry steals Drew’s brain from the morgue and escapes the hospital. She’s determined to bring him back, by any means necessary.

Through years of reading ancient books, learning forgotten languages, and drawing symbols she cannot comprehend, Terry successfully gets what she wants… And, what she deserves.

Advanced Review:

"THERE’S NOTHIN’ like a smoothie in the dead of summer. Literally nothin’. Everything you love put into a blender and mixed together to create an amazing drink. Strawberries. Yogurt. Bananas. Fuck it, even blueberries and raspberries and cherries. I’m not picky. It’s like Drew. All these parts from different places makin’ one perfect thing.”

Terry's one hope, is to be with the one she loves. Not only for awhile...but forever. When her boyfriend loses his life, she does the unthinkable.

Terry really is a deplorable character, most definitely a villianous with no thought or care for the world and the living. She commits unspeakable acts to achieve her selfish purpose.

Drew is a victim of Terry's heinous narcissism. From the moment he met her, he belonged to her. Drew's only hope is to free himself from her and rid her from his life, even if it means death.

This is told in two parts. The first through the voice of Terry; her crimes and her obsession.

The second through the voice of Drew; his awakening, his suffering and his eventual memory of what has truly happened to him from the moment he met Terry.

A  visceral modern day recreation of "Frankenstien". Bringing back that which should not exist.

A great short story recreating a beloved trope, flipped on it's axis and made even more unholy and brutal!

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OGRE (VHS Trash Book 2) by Brian G. Berry


Rating: ★★★★

Genre: Horror

Format: eBook

Pages: 161

Read: 07/22/22

Amazon Synopsis:

Camp Starlight, an isolated pocket of summer adventure and sunshine. A place of smiling faces and laughter. And terror. For the campers and counselors, their summer plans are about to be cut short. Haunted by a terrible burden, Sheriff Roy Caudel, with the assistance of his partner, Deputy Clint Wilmont, must face a foul and unspeakable horror from the womb of nightmares. Blood will flood the woods. Bodies will stack. Minds will shatter. All will soon learn, that some warnings should be heeded.

Just keep telling yourself:
It's just a book
It's just a book


“Looking at the sky, one could never truly appreciate the moon that looked out over this land unless they had the blessing of the Lord to sit beneath this sky and gander at its dominance,”

A new summer camp is opening in the mountains of the north-western region of Washington State. The counselors are arriving, filled with excitement, to prepare for the incoming children. The place is rough and unprepared and the camp leader is nowhere to be found.

The sheriff of Starbright Springs, Roy Caudel, has just been called to the Miller place to investigate their recent death. What he finds there is a bloody slaughter. It triggers a hidden memory from twenty years past, one that he has been keeping a secret because it is so horrifyingly unbelievable, everyone would think he was loony and no one would believe him.

It’s starting again. It's returned…

Hikers are coming to the area to camp in the woods. Looking to have relaxation, adventures, and hopefully some lusty romping. 

The sheriff is doing everything he can to warn everyone away, but no one will listen or heed his advice that they all need to leave. 

Their fate now belongs to the OGRE!

Set deep in the woods that feeling of isolation is ever creeping. Young campers having fun; sunbathing, skinnydipping, campfires and making whoopee. Lots of children are ready to have adventures at the campground. But the beast has arrived and it is hungry. Panic ensues as it feeds; viscera is flying everywhere, the crunching of bones can be heard and the bodies are piling up. Reminiscent of the classic 80’s slasher films, or as the author mentions in the Afterword, “Woodland Horror films.”  A nostalgic creature feature that will surely please any fan of the genre!!

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Monday, July 18, 2022

The Devil's Shallows by Debra Castaneda


Rating: ★★★★★

Genre: Horror/ Folklore

Format: eBook

Pages: 275

Read: 07/18/22

Amazon Synopsis:

Eight miles of mystery. One night of terror.

Residents trapped in a remote neighborhood confront the unimaginable in this horror novel from award-winning author Debra Castaneda.

The salt marsh at Devil’s Landing is home to a terrifying urban legend.


Adam Gray knows the old stories about the Slough Devil, the missing children, and the mutilated animals. But the naturalist and wilderness survival expert doesn’t believe in monsters. Not even when a tourist on his boat sees a strange creature in the tidal channel and captures it on video.


When Adam moves into a controversial housing development next to the marsh, shocking new evidence emerges, and it’s not long before he’s confronted with a series of horrifying and unexplained events.


It takes Christina, his feisty new neighbor, to get him to believe something lurks in the slough. Something disturbed by the new community.


When a massive storm maroons the residents, Adam and Christina find themselves trapped and tested in a fight for their lives.

 Content warning: Sexual assault


“Well, let’s start off with the first sign that anything was amiss at Roy’s Slough. This dates to May 1906, when a ten-year-old boy went missing. Families from around Devil’s Landing searched for him, but his body was never found. His parents said he was prone to wandering, and he disappeared during high tides. It was assumed he’d been swept away by what today we call a sneaker wave.”

Tied to the marsh is an urban legend, a cryptid called the “Slough Devil”. For many long years this creature has haunted the marshes. Children have gone missing, animals have been mutilated and torn bodies have been found. Devil’s Marsh has a new community along the coastal waters of the slough and now that there are many people living along the marshes, it has upset the balance. No one has ever really believed in the monster but when unexplained occurrences begin happening and sightings have been seen, they can no longer deny that the creature is real. A storm surge has trapped the community with no outside communication and they must fight to survive against the elements but their biggest fight will be against the one thing they never believed was real.

What a great cryptid/creature feature/eco-horror. 

With the descriptive imagery you can almost feel the effects of the slough. Chilling nights, deep fog, and the sound of the crashing waves. The sense of impending doom as the community is living a nightmare. 

Many diverse characters and developed relationships created a sense of real community. Moments of silliness, togetherness, and those angst filled moments of distrust. 

The creature is horrifying. Nothing like anything I could have ever imagined. A nasty, nasty and it does things that are downright shocking! 

The ending of the story, I felt, was written very well and not at all what I expected. Not all stories are meant for happy endings. This one is not all sad as there is a sweet little surprise. Love and hope shining out of the darkness. 

Dark, emotional, tense, and suspenseful.

I enjoyed it very much!

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Saturday, July 16, 2022

Tales From The Parkland by Ronald McGillvray


Rating: ★★★★★

Genre: Horror Short Stories

Format: eBook

Pages: 206

Read: 07/16/22

Amazon Synopsis:

Tales From The Parkland - A collection of horror stories that will keep you up at night. Reminiscent of The Twilight Zone, these tales of terror will make your heart race as they drag you into a world of nightmares.

The Garbage Collectors - Stephen comes home to find he has to make a decision. Which of his children will he sacrifice to the Garbage Collectors?

Big Boy - Peter hates it at daycare but what better place to face the end of the world?

Underneath The Stairs - Tommy thinks he's getting the better of Kevin but he hasn't met what's under the stairs yet.

Acid Rain - Rob and his family went for a walk until it started to rain. But when they turned back towards home, the screaming started.

A special bonus edition of the novella, Harmony - Sergeant James Cross started his day as usual with a run. Hours later he was still running, but now for his life.

One novella and eleven stories of horror for late at night. Welcome to the many "What If" scenarios of Ronald McGillvray's imagination.


"Afterward, I stood up and slowly walked to the garage door that led into the house. I turned off the garage light, opened the door and entered the house. For the last time."

Tales From the Parkland is a collection of 11 short stories and a novella. Including many horror filled themes: Aliens, oversized creepy crawlies, a childhood bogeyman, zombies, a serial killer in the making, monsters under the stairs, computer mishaps, a date night gone wrong, acid rains, altered personalities from strange weather, nightmarish realities, and a creature feature apocalyptic fight for survival.

Brutality, paranormal activity, alien invasions, revenge, mutants, abhorrent characters and more. 

Many of these stories had main characters that were children. That was a whole new level of creepiness. The fact they had to fight their own fears by themselves, to me that is entirely frightening. A few of these ended with a big surprise and my jaw dropped in shock. Mission accomplished. 

With all the themes there are surely many spine tinglers. Producing those heebie jeebies, checking around corners for shadows, and listening for strange noises. 

A very diverse, entertaining and quite enjoyable fright filled book of tales that felt like entering into a nightmare induced creep show. 

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Friday, July 15, 2022

The Tower: The Bedlam Bible #1 by William Pauley III


Rating: ★★★★★

Genre: Magical Realism/Bizarre

Format: eBook/Audio

Pages: 80

Read: 07/15/22

Amazon Synopsis:

Something is happening to the residents of Eighth Block Tower...

There's radiation in the walls. Salt covers the hallways. The food and water are poisonous. A giant green brain pulsates under the roof, pumping electric venom throughout the apartment building. The residents are trapped and losing their minds.

Sanity is a myth. Sickness is life.


“The radiation from the walls continues to soak into our skin, and we glow happily and beautifully until the moment we all step down into our graves.”

The Tower. The Eighth Block.  Home to the misfits and outcasts,  where no one ever leaves and no one ever pays attention. To the outside world around them that pretend they don’t exist. Everything is strange and everyone is weird. It’s a tower with radiation filled walls driving the minds of the tenants to believe everyone is crazy.

In the first story “Hypnagogia”, we are introduced to two of the funniest characters, complete crackers.  Their style of fishing is sucking dark matter from the sky with a shop vac on the rooftop, food for their God. Their lifestyle and conversation had me in complete stitches!

The second story “Invalids” the tower continues to drive the tenants to madness. Someone or something  is murdering the women, brutally ripping them apart. Creepy mutants, voiceless, and the desire to kill. Where they came from was so surprising. I certainly did not see that coming, what a twist. Somewhat heartbreaking and sad. The lengths one will go to for love.

The third and final story “Under Green Brain” we meet other characters and the source of power that fills the walls with the radioactive liquid. Craziness, frenzy, and bedlam ensue!

Glowing, green slime filled walls, a kaiju, hallucinations and insanity. Can you hear the constant humming? Is it all just an illusion? Or is it the only reality that exists inside "The Eighth Block"?

Mind bending madness!

Horrific and bizarre!

An uncanny nightmare!

Highly Amusing! 

Great writing! 

Creative, superb storytelling!

I super enjoyed reading this!

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Thursday, July 14, 2022

Optic Nerve by Rebecca Rowland


Rating: ★★★★★

Genre: Body Horror

Format: eBook

Pages: 56

Read: 07/14/22


Shawn is a scientist developing the formula for a drug that may cure blindness by stimulating another area of the brain that controls perception. When he surreptitiously tests the drug on himself, he accidentally accesses a neural pathway that appears to allow him to communicate with a complete stranger through telepathy instead. When Shawn finally discovers the significance of their connection and of the drug’s true effects, it is too late to stop the damage their intimate friendship has set in motion to unfold.

Advanced Review:

“IT’S NOT A GHOST STORY; it’s a love story.”

“Every love story is a ghost story. Some writer said that once, didn’t he?”

Shawn is a scientist working on a new breakthrough medication that will end all the conditions and diseases that affect the eyes. He secretly begins to take the pill testing the drug on himself with the only side effect being headaches. As the weeks pass on a whole new effect begins and opens up a telepathic link to a complete stranger. A relationship is developed, but little does he know what the true nature of the impending danger that is about to happen. It is all about to be revealed and the future is set to play out no matter the cost.

Themes of body horror, medical innovations, telepathy, and psychological obsessions. Character’s written so realistically; friendships, family, and intimate relationships. Human angst of an unknown future and the hope to make a change in the field of vision. 

So well written it feels as if you're part of the story as it all unfolds. The build up can be felt but you're still left in suspense until the ending and that is when it feels as if you were struck by a lightning bolt and thrown completely over the edge of a cliff. What the hell just happened? 

Loved it!!

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Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Dear Meat by J. Snow


D&T Publishing LLC & Godless, Emerge #7

Rating: ★★★★★

Genre: Horror

Format: eBook

Pages: 28

Read: 07/13/22


Dear Meat is a post-apocalyptic story about a society bereft of morals and empathy, about socioeconomic classism, malignant egoism, and human predators. A dystopian nightmare unfolds in this tale as survival confronts sordid, nameless villains. Facing starvation and human extinction, a handful of corrupt men attempt to solve the problem of overpopulation and its burden on resources using a variety of covert tactics against the civilians they govern...until they have no choice but do the unthinkable. 


The world has become overpopulated, the food resources are depleting at a drastic rate, and the ability to sustain life and growth are no longer an option. Morality has depleted and each day is a fight for survival against the injustices of the upper class hands that believe they have the right to take control of the impending doom. 

This story is set in a brutal post-apocalyptic world. A very dark world where it seems all hope is lost. There are many themes within and to be honest, there is not a single one that is pleasant. It is frightening from the beginning to the shocking, hard hitting ending. 

Humanity at its most horrifying!

Such a dark, fear filled story and yet so beautifully written one cannot help but be completely engaged! 

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Cutter's Deep: Welcome to Hell by Ronald McGillvray

Genre: Dark Fantasy Horror Format: Paperback Pages: 364 Rating: ★★★★★ Synopsis: Down a lonely stretch of highway stands the deserted and des...