Thursday, June 9, 2022

HYbriD: Misfits, Monsters and Other Phenomena Edited by: Donald Armfield & Maxwell I. Gold

Rating: ★★★★★
Genre: Horror/Poetry
Format: eBook
Pages: 221
Read: 06/09/22

Amazon Synopsis:

20 Stories and poems with themes of otherness, outcasts, and creatures birthed by random or purposeful mutation, evolution, or perhaps even, a curse. Hybrids have always persisted in our cultures, fused through the construction / deconstruction of our own nightmares, dreams, and fantasies. These tales come from literal, metaphysical dualities that created something blended, something bizarre, something that didn’t quite belong, but will always remain. Beyond the darkness the creatures within can be unsettling, terrible or bleak. The fear that these creatures exist; lurking in shadows, or hidden in plain sight, can only leave one to wonder.

*Advanced Review*
Coming JUNE 21st-The Summer Equinox from Hybrid Sequence Media

"We didn’t lie to you, folks. We told you we had living, breathing, monstrosities. You laughed at them, shuddered at them. And, yet, but for the accident of birth, you might be one as they are. They did not ask to be brought into the world, but into the world they came. Their code is a law unto themselves: offend one and you offend them all. And now, folks, if you’ll just step this way. You are about to witness the most amazing, the most astounding living monstrosity of all time." – Carnival Barker, Freaks
ThE HyBriDs
Introduction-James Aquilone
Strange Progeny-Bruce Boston
Making Friends-Angela Yuriko Smith
As Dark the Night-Nicole Givens Kurtz
Kolkata’s Little Girl-Alessandro Manzetti
Raven-Wolf-Cindy O’Quinn
Home Is Where-The Howl Is John Claude Smith
Mother Eve-Marge Simon
Ruination of the Gods-Dr Chris McAuley & Claudia Christian
It Calls To You-Jamal Hodge
Slo-Mo-Michael Bailey
Maero-Lee Murray
Vis-à-Vis-Jeffrey Thomas
Hôpital Automatique-D. Harlan Wilson
How Does Your Garden Grow?-Geneve Flynn
The Scoocoom of Big Rock Mountain-Michael Knost
Madre Tempesta-John Palisano
Clawing Through Mud as More Leaves Silt Down, as Plastic Bags, as Cast-Off Bottles-Romie Stott
My Father’s Ashes-Philip Fracassi
Savages Anonymous-Alicia Hilton
Fracking-lution-Linda D. Addison
Poetic form introducing us to an alien/witch hybrid. Monsters of love and light. Monsters that hunger and feed on emotions. Little ghost children. Human transformations into creatures of the unknown. Vampires and werewolves that have a surprising food source. Evolution stepping towards the stars. Druids and ancient beasts.
The calling of an ancestral life.
“By the Orishas, we are stubborn! There are other moments of the ancestors to be experienced. Birth. Lovemaking. Growth. The kiss of the wind, a caress of spring. Truth is in the living, not in the dead.”
Sloths luring the curious into its rainforest, watching and waiting. Backpacking amongst beasts of legend. A vindictive clone and a story of obsession, passion and revenge. Entertaining the
consciousness and machines. A progeny of origami with a selfish mother. An ancient, monstrous beast that hungers for children. A mothers hidden secret and the power that lies within. Vampire/human hybrid, hunted and rebirthed. Extraterrestrials and the fight against the injustices of humanity. The dishonoring of mother earth and the monstrosities blooming into life.
The unique writing style and creations within evoke emotions from the depths of the mind. It wraps around like a shadow reaching out, clawing, grabbing, and then letting go for only a moment. Pondering each story, reveling in its dark beauty in words, the hybrids are imaginative creatures, discomforting and yet there is love and light that shines from the darkness. A labor of love for the unnatural, unusual and the monsters that lurk around corners.

"Hybrid creatures are the result of our far-flung imaginations and our
deepest fears."-James Aquilone

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